The Meaning of Color in Persian and Oriental Rugs

The Meaning of Color in Persian and Oriental Rugs

Oriental rugs have always been known for their beautiful coloring and designs. Having an oriental rug can create a big statement in a room, or can be toned down and more of a neutral piece. Choosing the one with the right color scheme for you can be a big decision. 

Symbolism and Storytelling

Colors in an oriental rug are there to tell a story and set the mood for the room it’s put in. Choosing rug colors based on how we feel as a person is important to the design of the rug itself. You can change the atmosphere of the room, using colors to fit the ambiance you are looking for. 


The color red is known to bring people wealth, luck, beauty, joy, and courage. It is known as an emotionally-intense color. Red rugs can be used in any room where you want a big pop of color. 


The color orange is known for devotion, humility, and loyalty. It is also a symbol of strength and endurance. Orange oriental rugs can be placed in a space that you want to be productive in, such as a home office. 


The color yellow or gold represents happiness, sun, wealth, and power. Yellow used to be a hard color to make with dye, so this color was mostly used for those who were wealthy. Using a yellow oriental carpet in a living room or fun space can add a touch of happiness and cheerful energy. 


The color green represents paradise, hope, renewal, and the spring season. It was used on occasion in rugs as it depicted the Prophet Mohammed, meaning that green rugs should not be placed in a room with high foot traffic,


The color blue is associated with the afterlifeBlue is a popular color in rugs, both in modern and traditional settings. It’s also a popular color in modern styles of interior design. Blue oriental rugs can find a place in your home.


Purple is known as a royal color. It was not used very often in older Persian rugs, but it can represents peace and wisdom, along with spirituality.


The color brown represents fertility and Mother Earth. Brown is an important color and reminds us of the earth that we are all live on. It’s earthy and a great color to use in your home.

Contact Us for Your Oriental Rug Needs

Persia Oriental Rug can help you find the perfect oriental rug in the colors you want. From antiques to man-made, we have it all. Give us a call or fill out our easy to use contact form for more information!